Monday, December 3, 2012

Interview with Todd Fletcher

Today we start a two post series where industry professionals agreed to answer a questionare so that they answers can be compared and contrasted.  

1.  So to start off with the interview lets start by who you are.

Todd Fechter, Assistant Prof of Computer Animation

2. What studios have you worked at?

DNA Productions, Element X Creative, Reel FX (contract freelance)

3. When did you join the industry?

Upon graduation in August 2002

4. If you had to pick the biggest barrier with animations right now what would it be?

Money and Technology. Things are getting cheaper and faster however the need for bigger and better makes money the biggest set back for animation

5. How have things changed since you started working within the animation industry?

Technology has got faster and more complex. Studios are slightly less stable. Animation has spread far beyond entertainment and into medical, architectural, web, etc…

6. What is your preference? Working in studio or working as a contract artist and why?

Each has its good and bad points. Studios allow you to work closely with other artists which is rewarding, but you also have to deal with the studio politics and procedures. Most cg artists working in studios are now contracted only for the duration of a project. This causes a lot of jumping from one studio to another. Freelance contract work is usually done off site, so you don’t get the interaction you would in a studio. You also have to live and die by often very fast turn arounds.

7. What is your favorite animated feature film? Either 2D or 3D

The Incredibles

8. If given the chance to start over fresh would you still chose the same path?


9.  If you were to guess where animation is heading in the future, where would that be?

In all directions and into every field imaginable. Everything will involve some kind of animation or visualization in the future.

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