Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lets Get Started

    Welcome to Keyframes in Focus, a blog that explains the evolution of the animation process due to the advances in technology. 

    This blog will be an overview of the animation process and its changes throughout the span of 1980's through the present, along with, minor touches on early animations before the 1980s.  The information will be an informative way to find more info in one place instead of making the viewer attempt to find each change on his or her own. The people who will find this information useful will be anyone looking into how animation has got the way it is today. By realizing the history and the effects in the past they can gain an idea on how it will be in the future and gain a better understanding of the techniques used.

    This blog will be a series of posts that will conclude after the first week of December 2012.  There will be a total of twelve posts covering the topic. The first post will be over traditional animation using paper and pencil. As the posts continue there will be gradual advances in which technologies became available and how the process changed due to them along with how the social media influenced changes. The ending articles will be about how animation is being done now days with motion capture lenses and leaving the readers with an educated guess on how the animations will change in the future. 

   My qualifications to write about history of animation comes from my personal interest in researching the subject. As a student of the art, I attended the Van Arts Masters Class on animation during June of 2011. There I gained more interest in the history of animation, such as where Walt Disney and other members of the "9 old men" got the ideas for the animation principles.  Once that happened I started learning more 2D techniques to use with 3D animation. 

It is my hope that you will all enjoy the posts to come. Feel free to posts comments and ask questions at any time.



  1. I would love if you could provide a link to the Van Arts Masters Class. Is it held annually? Are there any requirements for attending (fee, application, etc.)?

  2. The masters class is hosted by Vancouver Institute of Media Arts. It was a two day event that tours around the US and i believe parts of Canada. I'll be referencing more of it later on with pictures out of the workbook you use during the classes.

    I highly recommend you look into this class if you are interested in storyboarding or animation.

    The website to the masters class is:

    As of now the 2012 tours are finished and I expect the 2013 dates will be announced very soon.

    I hope this helps,
